US Youth Soccer League

About US Youth Soccer

U.S. Youth Soccer (USYS) is the largest American youth soccer organization, registering almost 3 million players each year. Affiliated with U.S. Soccer, USYS offers programming, leadership, and resources for players, coaches, volunteers, and administrators.

Northeast Rush's Massachusetts teams can play in regional tournaments and showcases, gaining valuable experience and the benefit of playing in external leagues. Players have access to expert coaching to help them develop their skills and knowledge, starting with the youngest age groups and continuing throughout their youth soccer careers.

Massachusetts youth soccer players who aspire to play professionally have the potential to be scouted and talent-spotted on a regional and national level through a wide range of USYS events. The USYS Players' Bill of Rights underscores its commitment to the children and their families who entrust their physical, emotional, and mental well-being to the organization.

The USYS Players' Bill of Rights offers the following to its players:

  1. To play soccer
  2. To play in safe and healthy environments
  3. To learn from qualified coaches and leaders
  4. To participate within developmentally appropriate play
  5. To have a voice
  6. To have an equal opportunity for personal growth
  7. To be treated with dignity
  8. To have fun

U.S. Youth Soccer supports and encourages the values of good sportsmanship, respect, personal safety, and friendship. The league emphasizes that players of all ages should be "treated as young people first, athletes second." USYS provides resources for players, coaches, and parents that support physical and mental health, concussion awareness, nutrition and hydration information, and injury prevention and recovery.