Soccer and Mental Health: The Mental Benefits of Playing Youth Soccer

Many people view soccer as nothing more than an exciting sport or a way to stay physically fit, but the game offers many other benefits, including providing a boost to soccer players’ mental health. This is critical in the world today, especially for youth soccer players who might need a boost of confidence or who are developing…

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Heading in Youth Soccer: Rules, Drills, and Safety Tips 

A soccer player balances a ball on his head as he practices heading on a sunny day against a clear blue sky

Heading in soccer is when players use their heads to hit and guide the ball. It is an integral part of the sport, and each player may do it between six and 12 times a match, on average. However, there has been a lot of talk in recent years about whether heading causes concussions and…

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Fueling Success: Nutrition Tips for Young Soccer Athletes

young soccer players hydrating during the game

Like any other athletes, young soccer players rely on the right fuel to physically perform at their best. Healthy nutrition and hydration play a key role in the development and success of soccer and other aspiring sports stars. To ensure kids put their best cleats forward, let’s explore some essential nutrition tips designed specifically for…

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The Importance of Youth Soccer Strategy 

When it comes to youth soccer, strategy, teamwork, and careful planning are key parts of this beautiful game. Teaching young players about effective formations and strategies can make a significant difference in how they play on the field, ultimately impacting their enjoyment of the game. Read on to learn about some of the winning youth…

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Youth Soccer Safety: Injury Prevention and First Aid Tips

football soccer player stretching during warm up before kick ball in match league in stadium with healthy sport concept

Injury Prevention and First Aid Tips As youth soccer is an action-packed, competitive sport, coaches and parents should have basic first-aid knowledge and the ability to tend to an injured player until medical professionals can take over. The right injury prevention strategies encourage youth soccer safety to help them learn, have fun, and gain confidence.…

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Youth Soccer Series: A Parent’s Guide to Core Positions and Rules – Part 2

young adult soccer players in action

Basic Rules of Soccer Part 2 Coaches are soccer players’ main source of knowledge when it comes to playing the game, especially when it comes to following age-appropriate youth soccer rules. Because many coaches may have their children on their teams, players’ families should understand the basic rules of soccer and the positions. Families cheer…

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The Art of Soccer Parenting – Supporting Your Child’s Journey

father and son relaxing after soccer practice

Supporting Your Child’s Soccer Journey PART 1 OF 3 More than 2.1 million children from age 6 to 12 played youth soccer in the U.S. as of 2021, which was a 19.5% increase from 2020. These numbers make it increasingly important for soccer parents to support their kids – and their teammates, opponents, and coaching…

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