Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises for Soccer Players

Most coaches and athletes know just how important it is to warm up before practicing or playing in a game or match. According to the American Heart Association, warming up helps expand blood vessels to allow more oxygen flow to the muscles, and it helps reduce the amount of stress placed on your heart when…

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Heading in Youth Soccer: Rules, Drills, and Safety Tips 

A soccer player balances a ball on his head as he practices heading on a sunny day against a clear blue sky

Heading in soccer is when players use their heads to hit and guide the ball. It is an integral part of the sport, and each player may do it between six and 12 times a match, on average. However, there has been a lot of talk in recent years about whether heading causes concussions and…

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Concussions in Soccer: The Ultimate Guide for Parents, Coaches, and Players 

When people think of concussions and head injuries, soccer isn’t usually the first sport to come to mind. However, according to a study published in the medical journal World Neurosurgery, up to 22% of all soccer injuries are concussions. Although that number isn’t as high as sports like rugby, football, and ice hockey, concussions in…

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Youth Soccer Safety: Injury Prevention and First Aid Tips

football soccer player stretching during warm up before kick ball in match league in stadium with healthy sport concept

Injury Prevention and First Aid Tips As youth soccer is an action-packed, competitive sport, coaches and parents should have basic first-aid knowledge and the ability to tend to an injured player until medical professionals can take over. The right injury prevention strategies encourage youth soccer safety to help them learn, have fun, and gain confidence.…

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