Soccer Stats 101: Understanding Key Soccer Metrics for Players

Measuring, understanding, and analyzing youth soccer metrics is a key part of player development in select youth soccer programs. The term “metrics” simply refers to the way an individual player’s or a team’s performance is tracked in a measurable quantitative manner. These statistics provide useful insight into a player’s strengths and weaknesses, which helps them…

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Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises for Soccer Players

Most coaches and athletes know just how important it is to warm up before practicing or playing in a game or match. According to the American Heart Association, warming up helps expand blood vessels to allow more oxygen flow to the muscles, and it helps reduce the amount of stress placed on your heart when…

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Soccer Strategy Breakdown Series: Part 3

rush girl players

Soccer Gameplay Decisions Learning how to identify a gameplay opportunity isn’t easy and abilities vary widely among young players. Key decisions that players must make include estimating the distance to the goal, knowing when to pass to another teammate, and learning when to kick the ball toward the goal to score. It’s common for young…

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Soccer Strategy Breakdown Series: Part 2 — Defense Formations

young children playing soccer on an outdoor field

In youth soccer, strategy, careful planning, and teamwork are all important parts of mastering this exciting, competitive, beautiful game. Helping young players learn about effective defensive formations and strategies can make a big difference in their performance on the field. Read on to learn about some of the winning youth soccer defensive formations that can…

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The Importance of Youth Soccer Strategy 

When it comes to youth soccer, strategy, teamwork, and careful planning are key parts of this beautiful game. Teaching young players about effective formations and strategies can make a significant difference in how they play on the field, ultimately impacting their enjoyment of the game. Read on to learn about some of the winning youth…

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Youth Soccer Series: A Parent’s Guide to Core Positions and Rules – Part 2

young adult soccer players in action

Basic Rules of Soccer Part 2 Coaches are soccer players’ main source of knowledge when it comes to playing the game, especially when it comes to following age-appropriate youth soccer rules. Because many coaches may have their children on their teams, players’ families should understand the basic rules of soccer and the positions. Families cheer…

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